Butter lettuce, which includes Bibb and Boston lettuces, have tender leaves with a very mild, buttery flavor making it an excellent addition to salads and sandwiches. Butter lettuce is known for its small, round, loosely formed heads with soft, buttery-textured leaves.

Butter Lettuce
Butter Lettuce Nutrition Facts
- Butter Lettuce provides an:
- Excellent source of vitamin K
- Good source of folate and vitamin A
- Lutein and zeaxanthin

Growing Information
Butter lettuce is grown in major lettuce producing areas of California and Arizona in both winter and summer months. The crop can take from 65 to 80 days from seed to harvest during the mid-summer months, but as long as 130 days in the late fall and winter. When it comes to harvest, butter lettuce is hand-picked as a whole head and packed into cartons in the field. If it is destined for a packaged salad mix, it will be picked and placed into small totes and sent to a processing facility.
Usage Ideas
Butter lettuce is a great addition to any salad. Outside leaves can also be used in place of tortillas or even sandwich bread.
Lettuce wraps
Season your choice of protein with garlic, soy sauce and ginger then spoon it onto the lettuce leaf and season with spicy chili sauce for a delicious and healthy Asian Lettuce Wrap.
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